The Psychology of Direct Mail

The life span of some emails is non-existent. It’s a glance at the from address or subject line and a press of the delete button. Many digital ads don’t even get a glance as web surfers scroll by the advertiser. There’s a reason impressions on these mediums need to be hundreds of thousands to see results. Direct mail stands alone in the highest engagement category.  

Most direct mail pieces start with an elongated, several minute relationship with their recipient. The critical time walking up the driveway, riding in an elevator, or simply standing at the kitchen counter once retrieved from a mailbox is a major difference in engagement.  

How many senses do you use to surf the web? OK, vision –and maybe on the rare occasion you may have a unique digital experience requiring some fancy mouse activity. But, really, just vision. Direct mail engages many senses – certainly touch, unique scents, and of course the visual sense. 

There is a psychology behind interacting with a direct mail piece. Something you physically handle, rip open, or unfold, and of course the tactile movement and interaction. It’s much more than a flat one-sided digital screen will provide.  

It’s been shared that mentally our engagement with direct mail is much more positive and memorable. At Talient Action Group we know the physical connection and brand impression is unsurpassed by any digital channel. We love all marketing channels. We believe you need an omnichannel approach to successful marketing. When you’re ready to feel the difference…. we are here.